nlpgreece®- D.Alexandri & M.Oktoratou | Leading Mind Speaker

Dimitra Alexandri

Ι am a certified Dietician- Nutritionist, scientific associate of nlpgreece®. I am specialized in Eating disorders and Metabolomics. Also, Ι have been teaching nutrition, as well as working in various areas in the nutrition field.

Last but not least, I profess my passion for constant studying upon the human microbiome and neurobiology in interaction with food and the body’s function/symptoms.

My story starts in early childhood where I started to discover and admire the way human and nature function and interact. A remarkable world that never ceased to amaze me and giving me life.
In addition to the above, a strong desire for reversing illness came up so that today, after many years of experience and knowledge I work, mostly, with people with autoimmune/ chronic diseases, cancer and people with eating disorders such as obesity, bulimia, anorexia etc.

My goal is people who choose me for their ‘’therapist’’ to see through my eyes all the possibilities they can have and realize that being healthy or eliminate/ control a disease is completely under their own liability and is also really simple unlike what most people believe. Then, to experience health!

Personalized Therapeutic Nutrition is the key.

The greatest principle for a person is to :

  • learn that the ultimate goal of human body function is to stay healthy and alive at all costs
  • discover how amazingly body works
  • realize that the most important gift that can offer is health!

Our state of health is not just the genes we inherited (Genetics) and the only solution is not drugs or accepting what we have inherited. On the contrary, the expression of genes and the general state of our health depends on a very large percentage on factors that we can have complete control of (Epigenetic).


Margarita Oktoratou

Margarita Oktoratou RN, RDN, MSc, is the founder of nutribalance by om® and an associate of nlpgreece®. She specializes in nutrition education and the re-modeling of nutrition mindset
and eating behavior by adopting a synthetic approach that utilizes a variety of evidenced- based knowledge, methods, and techniques. Her focus as a registered dietician has shifted away from what people should eat towards how they think in relation to eating. Her mission is to help people lead healthy lifestyles and overall well being by adopting a balanced,
respectful, healthy, and joyful relationship with food and eating.

She is a graduate of the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition Science of Harokopio University and of the Department of Nursing School of Athens, Greece. She holds an M.Sc. in Nutrition, Public Health and Policies from the Agricultural University of Athens and an NLP Master Practitioner Certification from NLP University, Santa Cruz California in collaboration with nlpgreece®.

In line with her synthetic approach to the multidimensional nature of nutrition and health, she is certified in Mindful Eating by The Center for Mindful Eating and in Precise Nutrition based on DNA by GenomeAnalysis and NKUA.

Margarita has worked as a scientific consultant in the food and beverage industry for more than 9 years with a focus on nutrition communication, food reformulation and marketing to kids’ voluntary regulations in the context of the EU policy roadmaps to “make healthy choices, the easy choices, for everyone”. She has repeatedly collaborated with the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine in a variety of community-based health education programs. For more than 12 years she applies evidence-based techniques that help people make positive health and nutrition changes in her private practice in Agia Paraskevi, Attiki.

As a mother of twin young school-aged girls she keeps learning and evolving along with them, and she always seeks for opportunities to live and be active anywhere around nature with her family and friends.

Speaker Services

NLP – Mindset Education:
– NLP University Certification studies
– Customised programs for personal development, professional excellence, coaching & consulting, health & well-being, education & family
– Personal sessions


Speech Title

What is hidden behind our dietary choices? Mapping and reprogramming our nutrition mindset with NLP for health and strength in our daily lives.


Stage A

Date and Time

20/02/2022 19:00

