Manos Takas studied Political Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet in Frankfurt, where he received his first Master’s Degree in Comparative Politics and International Relations. His second Master’s Degree deals with political communication and the processes of attributing causality as meaning. He holds a PhD in Social Psychology from Panteion University and is preparing his Postdoctoral Fellowship at Aristotle University.
As an academic he teaches at the Aristotle University, while at the same time he teaches at the MPS “Communication and New Journalism” of the Open University of Cyprus. In addition, he is the academic head of the Greek-speaking Department of Psychology at City Unity College and teaches undergraduate and postgraduate programs at the College.
As a mental health counselor he has been trained in the person-centered approach and in Tiefenpsychologie (Depth Psychology) and deals with group and individual sessions. He is the scientific supervisor of the FocusLab and, which provides parent counseling, occupational therapy, speech therapy, learning disabilities, neurofeedback and child and adolescent counseling.
He is also the co-founder of SuccessLab, a company that specializes in a holistic approach to career guidance.
He has authored numerous scientific articles in national and international scientific journals and his research has been presented at numerous national and international scientific conferences. His scientific interests move in the processes of constructing speech, evaluating meaning and interpreting individual and social reality.