nlpgreece® - Lucas Derks PhD | Leading Mind Speaker

Lucas Albert Charles Derks is a guest speaker of nlpgreece®, Alexandra Efthimiadou PhD.

After Art School, Lucas was working as a visual artist and teacher. At 26 years he choose for psychology. During his study (in 1977) he met NLP and combined this practical approach to the psyche with social psychology in his so called “Social Panorama Model” (1996). This work he developed later into mental space psychology. Since he recognized that the wide implementation of the clinical findings of the social panorama demands a paradigm shift in psychology as a whole. After his PhD in 2016, he works on transferring the mental spatial view to as many professionals as possible.

Welcome note of the speaker:

Thanks to being an early NLP-trainer, I gained clinical experience and also a routine in teaching practical skills. I have always been fascinated by the human mind, creativity and subjectivity. My friendship with David Sinclair in the 1980s, helped me to refresh my view on the workings of the mind: integrating neuroscience and experiential psychology. My core skill, it is, to critically review the theories and practices that have become mainstream. However, criticism without looking for alternatives does not satisfy me. That is why I created a couple of alternative methods and perspectives. When I can work on reconstructing psychology, I am very happy. That gave a lot of meaning to my life.

Speaker Services

Social Psychologist PhD
Developer of ‘Social Panorama Model’ of mental space psychology


Speech Title

Uncovering the spatial structure of family ties: a mental space psychology approach of family relations


Stage D

Date and Time

20/02/2022 16:00

